A New Universe

JANU:  We must consider at this time moving into a new area of investigation that pertains to the movement of life in the direction of mastership, the mastery of the natural process of the unfoldment of life into new understanding and realization of potential, and before long, our brother, insight into the movement of this universe into a new threshold of life.

“What do we mean by this?” you ask. We mean that every element of this universe, on every level, is coming together in such a way as to precipitate a whole new reality of life that leaves none of the truth of life behind but it develops into a truth that engages a whole new potential of realization. We will allude to this from time to time.

Now, consciousness will continue, losing nothing but growing into powers of perception, creativity, transformation, communication, and a loving nature, completely new. The universe is evolving, our brother, and the evolutions are subtle between these thresholds, but there are thresholds that are major changes into new ways of embracing life and creating it. Now, the evolutions in various parts of the universe, in consciousnesses that embrace it, contribute to everyone’s life path and the rest of the universe. The threshold describes the coming together of pockets or elements of evolution scattered through the universe merging into one, creating a thrust of life, so to speak, into a new era.

The universe is moving inexorably in this direction and has twice before. It does, collectively, retain memory of these two changes, but neither one describes the next. As we together evolve in consciousness on these journeys and our contribution to life, we participate in this larger movement and support it. We of the Brotherhood of Light choose this path of service and welcome all who join in this. Namaste, our brother.

June 28, 2013

Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross