The Art of Communication: Reconnecting

JANU:   For our journey into the art of communication, let us consider the demise of limitation through a perception of isolation from one part of life to another. Today’s art of communication element or aspect is the sense of connection. For where is communication without this, our brother, the sense of being connected to anything of interest?

You ask, “How does one develop this sense of connection, enhance its reality, understand its nature?” It is begun by appreciation of the existence of your area of interest, acknowledging its life, and that it is life. Connecting also opens to the reality that any part of life has its counterpart in you, in your consciousness, in your True Nature. And, in time, realizing that connection benefits both of you, not just sentient beings but any part of life. So connection is not just giving information, or getting information. It is both.

Life evolves through connection with every part of its being. It is, in fact, our brother, one life. The sense of separation or individuality contributes to life exploring its elements, discovering its truth, becoming more conscious, filled with countless individualities with their integrities and potentials. Yet all of this, our brother, is still one life realizing its nature through its potential.

So the art of communication does include reconnection. And the motivation to reconnect is very subtle when consciousness is individualized. But it’s there, and your True Nature is ever present, aware of this imperative to reconnect with life as a process unfolding. When speaking to another, where is the sense of connection? How intimate is this? And how much does it appreciate and begin to understand?

So allow your sense of connection to deepen and build an understanding of those elements of life that interest you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 30, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross