The Nature of Life: Describing life through its creations

JANU:    I am welcoming you to this opportunity to explore the nature of life. May we see it in this way, our brother, that life is, and always was, and always will be. And the question is: What is life? How do you describe in words, then, that which is, always was, and always will be, and has no source, yet everything is created from? Even language cannot fully describe the reality.

So, let us explore the nature of life through its creations, which are beyond number. But each one, our brother, reveals the nature of life. So, if the creation is not eternal, the life that is expressing through it certainly is. When one describes a plumber, one describes what a plumber does, how a plumber thinks, how a plumber came to be, and the plumber’s legacy in life. So, a plumber’s life is described in this way. But what is the source of the plumber? What is its destiny, beyond plumbing? The destiny of the life that is the plumber is to continue on in new adventures, contributing to the adventures of others, that contribute to being and a never-ending expanding potential of life to create, realize, and create again.

So, in a larger fuller understanding, even the creations of life have only themselves as their source and the life that they are is without source. The beginning of understanding of this reality serves you by putting the life in perspective and adding depth to your awareness, your sense of oneness with everything. For everything has life in common, without beginning or end, and will always be.

There is no futility in any of this, for what other ship is there to sail on? And this is why existing at all enriches life. Life in motion is the key here to understand the merit of any endeavor, even the endeavors of understanding and philosophy and relationships, and yes, even all that love can be and is. Find peace in this, our brother, as a foundation for living. Understand what you may as you and life reveal yourselves to each other and you move towards being conscious of all of life. Namaste.

Feb. 3, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross