Step into the future

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, waiting then with you for the outcome of a projection into the future of humanity. What you see here are the beginnings of an etheric-like formation of human potential. The humanity of the future will leave behind much of what it is consumed with at this time: power, survival, influence, destructiveness, pride, false pride, emotional chaos, and consciousness traveling in circles repeating old patterns again and again.

We see in these new formations humanity less identified with physical species, but more identified with universal mind and connection with more of life than physicality, you see. We see humanity discovering the power of peace, not meaning just the lack of violence, but the peace that moves with life, fulfilling opportunity, working closely with other worlds, other species, and other realities, a sense of teamwork, community, and mutual benefit. Survival in the physical being less of a focus. Survival as a consciousness, as a spirit, being a new identity, more connected with life and the freedom to be. A vision of the future that draws humanity’s consciousness in its direction.

The perception that the future is somehow separate from reality of the moment is a limited view, for in very real ways humanity is already its future. Potential is real, our brother. It is built into life, in the spiritual DNA, if you will, of the human journey. It is happening, even as we speak. Step into the future, then, our brother. It is here.

Feb. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross