High quality understanding and the truth of life

JANU: Let us begin, by announcing that any engagement on our part on this journey is to inspire humanity to find love and respect for themselves, to reclaim their power as co-creators, to bring love to life and, in so doing, lift the creatures in the life around them as well. We encourage freedom of spirit for understanding of expression and a noble life. Humanity is bound for greatness, to be a light to themselves and others, and other worlds as well. Everywhere in the world among you there are individuals and groups who embody this and desire this for everyone: personal integrity and honor, and service.

What does it mean, then, to love life above all else that it expand and prosper and become fulfilled? It is desiring everything life desires for you. It is designed for your success, happiness and awakening. All of creation, our brother, is more beautiful than you can imagine. Peace and harmony are at the core of it, and joy as well. So listen well to your inner desire. Be at peace and open the doorway to the genius that is your nature. Grow stronger through helping others. When you desire for the success of another, Life hears the call and will work through you to meet it as your motivation is in harmony with life. Be diligent and forgiving of yourself. Be at peace.

Nov. 16, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross