Direct Knowing

JANU: Now, direct knowing can take many forms because of the nature of what’s being accessed. Direct knowing belongs to the ancient art of what some have called trance communication. Communication still suggesting at least two parties involved.

Direct knowing is a different kind of experience. One becomes aware of an understanding with no sense of intrusion. The conscious mind is a receiver of the understanding, not the procurer of it, but must be at peace and open to direct connection. A phrase you have been exposed to is ‘deciding to know.’ This is the kind of key, so to speak, that triggers direct knowing.

Listening without analysis is a peaceful frame of mind. Direct knowing is not a function of time/space, but more a function of being in the moment, in the Now. Listening without bias or prejudice is not only useful for direct knowing but relationships as well. Decide to know without doubt but confident the Truth of Life is knowable, as is the truth of your self.

Nov. 26, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross