Awakening August 2014

These four relate to the same theme and seemed to enhance each other. It seemed fitting to present them together for consideration.

Awakening to the life we share with others
Self-destruction has no future
Owning the path to a better life
Humanity will choose a new renaissance

Awakening to the life we share with others

JANU:    We are Janu speaking, with much to say about the overall state or condition of life that pertains to humanity and the Earth. Let us begin by saying that the life we speak of is rich indeed. So much in store for humanity’s consciousness yet to be revealed.

There is life everywhere. Humanity is only aware of a small portion of that life that relates to the Earth and to their own destiny. The distance from humanity’s consciousness to the fullness of life that lives around them and co-exists and is ancient indeed is narrowing, not just because of humanity’s awakening but the maturing of all of life, the many realms of existence. And not all of that life, my brother, looks like humanity. Much of it is formless unless one can perceive energetic reality, patterns and colors, and the vitality of these. Even your moon has life and, because they are non-physical, they visit Earth as they choose.

Humanity’s behavior among themselves is a mystery to many other life realities: the self-destruction and the suffering, only to reincarnate and start all over. Not everyone, but many. Humanity must reach a greater degree of inner peace and serenity to awaken to more of life, and value it greatly enough that they choose peace even in the midst of life’s challenges and opportunities. Consider then how welcome a visitor to Earth would feel, or experience, in the current climate of mistrust and fears. So they arrive incognito, attempting to love humanity out of its slumber and into the Light.

These journeys we take, our brother, are as a portal to further that cause. So many are waiting to welcome humanity into the family of life of which they are already a part but unconscious of. Earth is not isolated from the consciousness of others.  Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Self-destruction has no future

JANU: So you ask, our brother, “What are we serving here? What is it of humanity that’s worthy of service?”

What is worthy, our brother, is what humanity can become, even in the midst of the chaos which seems to be growing. We are not the only ones serving humanity. There are many others. There is a growing atmosphere, or pool if you will, of the energy of goodwill and the love for what humanity can become. This pool is growing and will continue to do so.

But the destructive elements of human consciousness, behavior, are rallying against this. They know their future behavior must change, for the outcome, the product of their current behavior has nowhere to go, is not in harmony with life, and the product of its existence ultimately means their demise. Destruction does not lead to construction. All it knows, its systems of existence are all designed for tearing down to gain an illusive power that has no future. This is not the destiny of humanity, but the death throes of self-destruction.

The alternative, our brother, is awakening to the inner life, the power of being in harmony with all of life, the genius and wisdom and mutual support that can be found everywhere, in every reality. Once again, the importance of the awakening of humanity.

The struggle exists because those elements of consciousness fear their demise, which is assured if they continue. In the end, they cannot win what they perceive they are fighting for. Their goal is self-destruction and annihilation yet are unaware of this truth. They are not the first and only activities of this sort in the universe. Others have come and gone and so will these. There is no future in self-destruction. It is illogical.

So endeavor, our brother, to explore the alternative, master the Truth of Life, and be a light, no matter how dim or bright, that life is one with life. We of the Brotherhood of Light know this and live this and have the patience and love of eternity to serve it. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 23, 2014                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Owning the path to a better life

JANU:   For this evening’s journey: exploring the criminal system of your country. How can society then condemn one of its own members when it shares in the responsibility for behavior? There is complicity by those who support, for whatever reason, the so-called power of a dictator; of a company leader practicing deception, manipulation, and the power to confuse the public; for the politician voted into office who abuses the privilege and takes advantage; the police departments treating the public as enemies, with brutality and disrespect, fomenting distrust, poverty, and criminal reaction to the marginalized public.

Enlightenment, our brother, is needed here as well. The source of personal responsibility, then, lies within, not rules and regulations created by those who cannot see.

If incarcerations were the answer, why is there so much recidivism in those who are released back into society? And they are left on their own with patterns of experience that leave them desolate, without positive self-perception and seeing only the opportunities for survival that they used prior to incarceration. The prisons are overcrowded with repeat offenders and, because of this overcrowding, are released early for society to suffer the consequences once more.

What answers, then, our brother, truly make a difference? It certainly is not a loveless police force, a society with businesses only concerned with profits and power, and indifference is rampant. How can so many sleep so well with so many with nowhere to sleep?

If one chooses to pray for humanity, pray for the awakening from within, that love return to humanity, and being human is a shining statement in the darkness of the world. Every creature in the world will benefit from this change. We do not enforce this change. It is not our prerogative. We encourage it and bring understanding to inspire people to consider owning a better way of life. Their happiness and their peace of mind and the love in the hearts will blossom, and the creativity that ensues brings more beauty to life. We continue with these journeys, our brother, for this purpose. Namaste.

Aug. 25, 2014 B              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Humanity will choose a new renaissance

JANU:    We would see at this time that the warring forces of your world will continue their aggression and mutual destruction but the effort of service to humanity will see their conflicts more confined to their theater, if you will, for the rest of humanity and its economy will grow stronger and more resilient to forces that would have them get entangled in these. Humanity is growing more weary of the uncertainty of life in the midst of such chaos. Where would wars be if no one attended? And this scenario is growing. Many things in human society have come and gone, due to lack of participation by the growing number who refuse them. So it will be with warring and endless conflicts. Containment and limitation will be the fate of those who choose conflict and mutual destruction.

As these outcomes progress, the hope for the future will blossom and economies and peoples will rally as in a renaissance. Humanity’s renaissance is coming because they will choose it. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 28, 2014 B             Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross