JANU: Yes, greetings, my brother. I am Janu speaking. We have with us this morning an envoy or emissary from this collective called the Communicators. We understand and await their message.
COMMUNICATORS: Yes, greetings, brother. We are the Communicators and we welcome this opportunity to begin this discourse in what we cherish and hold dear, that being the awakening of consciousnesses to their True Nature and their full potential. We have accomplished this to some degree and begin this series on that authority or foundation, and would continue with these for time to come.
As you are becoming aware, our communication, our connection is not limited to one location or discourse. We are a collective beginning to reach further into the range of life of beings moving in this direction. Our concern, our service is to facilitate and enhance these interests from so many. And the numbers are growing, as you would say, exponentially, keeping us very busy as we move through life.
What then of this service and its benefit? As you have said many times, awakening of the human consciousness is of paramount importance in the expansion of life and the realization of its potential. It is incumbent upon each individual to discover and embrace their True Nature, come into their own, so to speak, be a conscious participant in the larger life, which is larger and larger as you discover your True Nature. The opportunities are without limit, are fascinating and rewarding, and enrich your consciousness in ways you may not yet imagine. Learning of and communicating with so many with diverse interests and lives and understandings is not a well of truth but more as a fountain, bubbling over, watering or enriching everything it touches.
The universe and consciousness is like a flower blooming in the light of the sun, in the light of understanding. Ours is not so much the vision of specific techniques for awakening, although they can be explored from time to time when necessary or the interest is there, but more of pointing in a direction and encouraging and bringing some of the promise of the achievement of awakening to the awareness of individuals, which leads to, ultimately, collective awakening which brings collective wisdom to this reality.
We would continue with this, our brother, at every opportunity, and we welcome this. We are the Communicators.
July 22, 2013 Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross