JANU: Speaking of journeys, then, our brother, we would like to commit this one to other modalities of journeying. There is, of course, the physical alternative, rich with experience but limited. There is the consciousness journeying, of which you are becoming more familiar. There is the Light Body experience in journeying, which is involved with many forms of journeying. And there is energetic journeying, whereby your presence and the presence of others are known through a vehicle of expression called “etheric doubling.” One can double, triple, or further extend their presence multiple times simultaneously.
Etheric doubling reaches into the domain of the fields of incarnation that have to do with the elements required to incarnate in the first place, you see. Now, the restraints on etheric doubling require incarnation, but there are ways around this, but not with the freedom of journeys in consciousness for your True Nature.
Etheric doubling is initiated by an act of will and it comes on the heels of the transformation of consciousness and the use of the Light Body into projection. One can duplicate the etheric presence at any distance, but not in any time until a high degree of mastership is attained. Now, one can be conscious of all etheric duplication and interact with each connection.
How, then, may one describe a journey through etheric doubling? It does not involve physical interaction, but presence, awareness for those who are attuned to your projection. Yes, it is possible to communicate with the projection of others, and does not require a physical locale. You ask, “Why would one choose etheric doubling as an alternative to consciousness journeying?” It is for the reason that there are many who are accustomed to this level of awareness for journeying, and many accomplish this without the guidance and guarantee of integrity that we enjoy. Simply put, our brother, it is what they are capable of.
But it is wise for you to develop your familiarity with this form, for you will meet many in this way and gain understanding and wisdom. It is another part of life, our brother, another form of living and engagement.
Sept. 8, 2013 Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross