A message from the Peace Pilgrim

JANU:   We have with us this morning one who would speak to the definition of survival in this coming new age. And by ‘survival’ we mean the continuation of sanity, a clear mind, and an evolution of consciousness. The one who speaks on this is a good example or representative, a traveling visitor to worlds on the verge of awakening and entering a new threshold of influence and contribution to life. This one was known to you as the ‘Peace Pilgrim’ when incarnate recently.

PEACE PILGRIM:  Yes, good morning, brother. We speak to this subject of survival. As you know, my journey on the Earth was represented by, among other things, a willingness to live a simple life in terms of possessions and obsessions, and to rely, for my journeys, on the kindness of others, which existed everywhere I journeyed. Survival in the new age will have a foundation of this, for it demonstrates a trust in humanity that carries its own message, one to another. And the future will grow on this foundation into something grander than it envisions at this time. I can see this and continued my journey with this in mind.

‘Peace Pilgrim’ was an apt name but its legacy was not the conquering of a world or land but bringing a message of freedom and brotherhood—or sisterhood, if you prefer—for the coming together of humanity in an honest, open, and trusting way, is part of the guarantee of its emergence into its grander potential. For the destiny of humanity includes many wondrous adventures, far exceeding my own. Journeys such as yours contribute in their own way. Fledgling though it may be, its potential is grand, for it is founded in relying on the goodwill of others and their generosity to share their understanding with each other. This principle in the future of humanity is not based solely on physical survival but on survival of the spirit, generosity, a loving relationship and trust in each other, and an unlimited creativity to manifest these in the life. Being a Peace Pilgrim has its own rewards, as will complementary journeys by so many.

Yes, humanity does exist on other worlds, with their own destinies and I am encouraged that humanity will grow into pilgrims of peace to help enrich the rest of humanity. It grows through the willingness of an open heart and mind to find joy in the enrichment of others. This continues to be my mission, my friend, and your mission is of interest, and I offer my support and insight, as you may have need of it. Continue then, as do I and we may speak again.

Sept. 5, 2013                                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross