
JANU:   This morning’s journey marvels at the richness of life, even as we discover more and more of it. The focus for this morning’s journey has to do with the coexistence of each element of the diversity of life and the collective consciousness of life. How does one perceive one from the perspective of the other? It is an understanding of oneness, our brother. One made up of many. Such is the nature of the human existence—one made up with many. Even on an individual human basis, many elements of the richness of life, yet they are one.

Limited perception still sees the components of life with separate identifications, yet not their oneness. How can life be so diverse and, at the same time, a single reality? These two perceptions seem to fly in the face of the reality of each other. As long as the human mind continues to insist that an insect is an insect and not a tree, one will remain such in their consciousness, blind to the larger reality. Earth being seen as a consumable resource and not the life that it is, and the life that humanity is a part of. Even when observing a neighbor, humanity focuses on differences, seeming differences, and less on what they have in common and their True Natures. How then does humanity plan and prepare for engaging other worlds, other species, and other cultures with such a limited view? When one observes a pig in the farmyard, how does one feel connection and perceive that life as part of the Oneness in which they live?

This is the purpose of awakening, our brother, to be more aware, to see more of life, to expand understanding that all of life serves all of life. And we mean all of life. One might say, “For what do I have need of this?” as they continue with their daily routine, their jobs, their work if you will, and their relationships. When you bring pain and suffering to a part of life, do you think you are isolated from this, can go merrily on your way and ignore it? There is a price, our brother, for every moment of your life and the price includes living with the patterns you have created. And these patterns can be challenging as well as rewarding. Even the patterns of service and goodwill, you live with. Both patterns enrich your life in different ways, and it is your choice how you meet them. Realize, then, our brother, that all of these patterns are of your creating—all of them—and discover their gifts. Oneness is rich with patterns of creation and all of them are known. You speak of secrets and privacy and isolated identification. All of these are temporary illusions that endure to a degree by your choice.

Change is also a choice, our brother, even though it is a constant in life, for there is no life without it. Now, some choose to take no responsibility for the changes in life and ride the wave. Others have a vision for modification of change, to refine the life and enrich the opportunities that are presented.

So, yes, oneness is not stagnant, our brother. It evolves as well, for its elements are evolving and changing. One tends to define life by what it does, what it accomplishes, its creations. As those who have tried to define electricity do so by its behavior, its abilities, its results. So you ask, “If one understands all of the elements of life, is there still an unknown as to what life is?” Good question, our brother, for another time.

Oct. 3, 2013                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross