What is color?

JANU:    Let us explore then the role color plays in any reality. It is obvious for the visual portion of the human experience, but what about other realities, you see? Colors are shifts in frequency, the perception depends upon what is perceiving or sensing these frequencies, the eyes having a very limited range. The mind perception is much broader but interpretation becomes an issue, without a frame of reference. Experiencing the perception of colors or frequencies outside of optical sense is quite a different experience.

Much transpires in life that cannot be seen optically but can be perceived in other ways. Let us explore some of these. A sense of temperature can perceive what is not seen. A sense of pressure or presence can detect what is not seen. Direct knowing can perceive these changes. A varying sense of well-being can detect these. Degrees of understanding or enlightenment can partner with these. Your auric field can respond to these. The emotional body can respond to these.

What meaning then does a different frequency of an element of life have for the observer?  It has to do with pattern-matching, for connection and communication and assistance. It is useful for determining and achieving countless realities of life and exploring them. One can scan, so to speak, the range of realities and options, past, present, or future. Optical color perception is a very narrow band, then, of perceiving life.

Sensitizing oneself to finer perceptions is achievable. This includes the emanations from those who would communicate one thing and mean another. These frequencies are the Truth of Life, the Light of Life, and are knowable and render your existence, your perceptions, more truthful for better decision-making and service.

Consider these, our brother, as options on the path of awakening. Namaste.

Nov. 9, 2013                Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross