Direct Knowing

JANU:             Indirect knowing seems to be fairly well known, for it is practiced almost exclusively by most of humanity. It is a viable modality of communication, of becoming aware of elements of life, and, of course, the outer self. Direct knowing, on the other hand, is, as it implies, knowing the truth of anything, the reality of anything, at any distance and at any time.

You ask, “How does this work?”  It works by enjoining the reality of life, all of life as well as your own, in conscious awareness. Now, indirect knowing is a reality of life as well, and can be known, expanded, explored, and mastered. But the rewards of this are limited. Direct knowing is being conscious as any part of life, ‘at one with’ with a purpose. Now, direct knowing is not limited by time and space; therefore, disregard those as a limitation or a control of direct knowing. Our communications are a form of this,  but can be developed further.

Now, direct knowing has its stages or phases of adeptship or mastership, partially controlled by your specific interest in knowing about anything. Direct knowing circumvents so-called barriers, what are known by some as ‘ring-pass-nots.’ For in the larger life, beyond time/space, ultimately there are no secrets for you are a co-creator with life and, collectively, all of life is self-aware. Therefore, it is your heritage to know yourself and the life that you are one with. How can life evolve if there are elements or pockets of reality it is not aware of?

Now, where does this information lie, when sought? Even the phrasing of this question is focused upon distance. It lies in the Now. The Now being one with the presence of all life, all time. So, choose your interests clearly, our brother, and allow the knowing. It has always been there, when the consciousness is attuned.

Nov. 26, 2013                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross