
 JANU:   I am Janu speaking, enjoying our journeys together, for they contribute to the edification of humanity and the building of strong bonds between elements of life, of consciousness, and of worlds, our brother.

Strong bonds are a necessary ingredient in the evolution of life for this contributes to the oneness that is our nature but not always understood or appreciated. Intimacy with life is available through the bonding and intimacy reveals the truth throughout life. Now, the diversity of life and of consciousness brings richness to the union, the oneness, and is enhanced through the bonding of the consciousness, no matter the degree, of all of life.

So, as we journey to the worlds, and beings, situations, realities of life, allow the intimacy, the bonding. Respect for integrity is always essential, for without this, where is the diversity that is the richness of life? Intimacy does not interfere with integrity, respect, and a love for one another. Intimacy allows sharing of the realities of life for the purpose of enhancing, enriching these elements.

What is bonding, then? It is an understanding for another element of life, including your own, that promotes acceptance, tolerance, and service, and a growing love for life. It allows for the perception that one life can say to another: “I know you. I understand you. And I respect your being and the life that you are.” Can any individual not see the value in applying these perceptions to themselves? How many can say they are bonded with all that they are, intimate in their self-awareness and, through that intimacy, appreciate their place in life?

Dec. 14, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross