The Nature of Life: Understanding the potential and creation

JANU: Life’s nature is crystalline, in a different sense, of course, than current understanding. These postulates occur when ‘original thought,’ for lack of a better term, self-generates into postulates that are the source of organized creation and, as such, demonstrate the principles of life and their order and hierarchy. As these postulates create, patterns are formed and this is where the crystalline nature comes in, forming a field of creation that would seem electrical in nature, but they exist beyond physicality, but are energetic, you see, of a very high order. And relate to each other as one. This best resembles ‘cosmic consciousness,’ the microcosm of which appears as the human brain, brain-mind interface. The diversity of life begins here, as this energetic network of crystalline relationships express the diversity of potential.

Now, understanding potential is not to be accomplished by seeing this as an accumulation of realized differences, variations. The theme is potential. Life is variations on this theme in manifestation. Before bits and pieces of manifestation occur, potential is understood as the oneness of an unlimited theme. The binary mind has difficulty embracing this reality, for it is part of the diverse potential, and so its model for understanding existence is time/space components of life. But nonetheless, our brother, reality is reality, whether understood or not.

The key here is being open to enlightenment, as the True Nature is. Even as the consciousness contemplates the existence of many universes, consider the life that these universes reside in, and with. This more inclusive body of life is a postulate, one of many forming the patterns of life, crystalline in nature.

More to come, our brother. Namaste.

Dec. 11, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross