The Diversity of Life: the various freedoms of the realms

JANU:   For the most part, we have spoken only of third dimensional or physical existence. But there are many other realities as well that are not physical, and they have their diversity as well and their existence, their consciousness is connected to energetic reality other than your own illusion of materiality. All realities are valid and viable and co-exist but with different parameters, if you will. Where you travel physically, they travel energetically. And travel is a word your meaning does not apply to, for they do not move through great distances, linearly. When one is conscious in their manner, one’s perception of life is more universal and unlimited, for their interests govern their experience more fluidly and more instantaneously. Life is still diverse enough, our brother, for even that capability to have endless opportunity for discovery and understanding.

You ask if they are aware of your physical experience. And the answer is, for the most part, no. For their interest is to expand what they already have and are, and not to devolve. They do have researchers who venture in your direction, so to speak.

You ask, “What is their equivalent to procreation that exists in our world?”  By desire and intent and will, they coalesce life into viable consciousnesses and life spans based upon the desire to be. For they are freer to, at will, move on to finer realms of existence, to explore and experience.

So you see, our brother, consciousness, sentience comes and goes. Life re-creates itself constantly, instantly, and through process for any duration needed. The parameters of existence are diverse indeed throughout the realities of life. We of the Brotherhood of Light are examples of this, with freedoms to be that seem impossible to the incarnate experience, but that are not only natural to us, but are expandable. As freedoms apply to be, moving at will through the range of life becomes available, no longer limited to any point in evolutionary experience.

In the larger reality of life, all is known, all is observed, and there are no secrets. That is a limited perception, based upon a limited consciousness. And yes, it is possible for the incarnate consciousness to communicate with and form relationships with those who are not incarnate, as we are demonstrating. For elements of each one’s existence transcend the limitations of their current involvement with a life reality. In your case, incarnation. The awakening of humanity opens one to this reality and new freedoms to be, to experience, and to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 19, 2013                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross