All of life is regulated

JANU: I am Janu speaking, researching then this morning an avenue of discovery best described as the regulatory quality of life. Now, what is meant by this?

Life regulates itself, even though it encourages diversity, creativity. “And how is this accomplished?” you ask. By constantly comparing its potential with the disciplines of the past and the processes of the present. Now, the range of these is virtually unlimited but they are one and the oneness is the source of this regulation, you see. For life is not designed to annihilate itself, to end its expansion, diversity, and richness. Its purpose does not include this. Therefore, the oneness realized in the Now of life ensures that all diversity, all expression, all creativity serves life. Even the human experience can benefit from this perspective upon examination of one’s own journey in life, the past, the present, and the future—which is your potential.

Now, there are aberrations or destructive decisions and tendencies that seem to impede the flow of life in one’s experience. And the regulatory element of life we are here discussing prevents the elimination or annihilation of life, only to continue, make new decisions, gain wisdom from previous decisions, and move on. So, despair not that the seeming course of your life is the end of anything except the results of choices that block your flow and revelation. Be at peace with the reality that life is, and nothing is more purposeful, self-fulfilling, and ongoing. Expand your identity to include more than the physical journey, you see, but the eternal journey of your own True Nature, consciousness, and life reality.

Life is regulated, our brother, by itself, and everyone and everything is part of that.

Jan. 3, 2014                                                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross