Co-existence (Service)

JANU:   Service, then this evening, shall contain elements of arcane journeying, accomplished in the past from the human point of view. Not all service, our brother, is parochial or present time.

Our area of service this evening has to do with non-physical life realities that some research groups in your government and other organizations around the world attempt to penetrate and understand and, ultimately, take advantage of. Still seeing their own physical reality and hierarchy and way of life above all else.

Now, there are protocols for penetration into these other realities and they will be maintained. Your pioneers in this research are not that well schooled in these protocols, but they can be. There are a few in your world that long to make these shifts in vibratory rate and discover new possibilities in non-physical realities that are very much a part of life and viable and intelligent and connected with larger life.

For most, these realities seem far removed from physical life. You have had communication with these, through these journeys, and it is possible to have ongoing relationships with these and co-exist consciously. Mutual understanding will occur, building a foundation for a developing relationship, as you discover more fully your non-physical nature. Identity shifting will become more fluid at another time, my brother. Namaste.

Jan. 3, 2014 B                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross