Dignity (Service)

JANU: We have in our hands, so to speak, this evening an opportunity to re-address the issue of subliminal responses to human dignity when applied to each other and to the self. The subliminal responses we refer to include a sense of peace and happiness.

What constitutes, then, an expression of dignity? It has to do with truthfulness, honor, true caring for another, caring for animals, and good character. These qualities, when expressed, imbue humanity with subtle responses from life of clarity and encouragement, as one observes a like response in another, of dignity.

Service this evening is to encourage this behavior in humanity. Inspiring dignity and patience. These qualities go a long ways toward a relationship with life that is free and fulfilled. Consider carefully, our brother, the qualities of dignity. Namaste.

Jan. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross