The masks of life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us partake of an opportunity to delve into the masks of life, and there are many. What is a mask, then, but that which interferes with the opportunity to perceive life as it is? And, in reality, all masks are a part of life.

Now, what masks concern us this morning? They are those of the true feelings, the true thoughts, and the truth of the persona. Humanity is riddled with these, of varying degrees, and they come and go. And you may ask, ”Why does humanity use masks in its relationships?” And, yes, it even masks itself to itself. Masks come from an unwillingness to experience any consequences of performance.

You ask if these would exist for an individual if there were no one else in the world. And the answer is yes, our brother. For how many, are there any, who are at peace with all that they are, have been, and have considered as true to themselves? Even the belief in the gods of old were formed for this reason. Attempts at appeasement, not accepting responsibility for their own lives and conditions and circumstances. Masks are used to impress others, to obfuscate, and to promote favorable conditions and relationships.

What would the world be like, human-wise, with no masks? No need for lies, deceptions, or omissions. Each person easily read, so to speak. Victories and sufferings, equally experienced, observed. Creative genius would flower honestly and not have to be hidden from those in society who envy such. Overall health would improve, with personal honesty, and the correlation between illness and performance would be more easily seen and understood.

Putting on a brave face, so to speak, some might say carries one through challenges. And this is true, to a degree, our brother. But rather than a ‘brave face’ why not a brave heart filled with confidence, a love of self, and respect for others? Many masks in life exist unawares, to those who use them. And even to those who observe them see them not for what they are. And this is true at every level of society, wherever there are people dealing with life.

There are those who break through these masks, from time to time, here and there, with moments of insight, revelation, generosity, love, and caring for another. Awakening, our brother, reveals these. Another reason for awakening.

At your very next encounter with yourself and another, become aware of all of the masks involved. At first, not to challenge them but to understand them and what lies behind, especially your own. Become more aware of the truth of life for the success of your own, and the success of others.

Jan. 7, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross