A life of Oneness, conscious of everything

JANU: One might describe this experience of Oneness as exalted, compared to life without it, meaning being conscious of everything—the life that you are, the life around you. Yes, and even in its potential. Oneness is a reality that has always been and is the nature of life, all of life. How can any one part, any one example or element of life not be ‘one with’ that which is common to all of it?

What does a life of oneness reveal? It reveals an intimacy with everything and every no-thing. It reveals a way of appreciation, a connection that life in motion is your motion as well. Every movement you are aware of, you move with it. The rhythms of life are yours. Every manifestation that emerges intrigues you, as it develops. Everything you understand as it experiences its own potential, and you realize that it is your own True Nature that is accomplishing this. It is one thing to observe life evolve, and another to be completely one with it as your own. Being at peace, our brother, clears the way, opens the consciousness to all of life. You experience returning home.

You ask, “How can one be in this state of consciousness yet walk the Earth in the daily routines?” Because, our brother, you are conscious of all of this and it all co-exists within you. Simultaneous awareness is as life is, conscious of everything. And ‘cosmic consciousness’ includes many aspects of your awareness co-existing. Only the incarnate mind is limited to isolated singular connections.

Jan. 14, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross