The human journey honors life (Service)

JANU:             Life is enriched with every moment of awakening, creativity, genius, and love. This evening’s service incorporates these and expands life, enriches life, in this way. Let us reach, then, into the so-called past of humanity and extend its destiny beyond the richness already achieved.

To appreciate the journey of humanity from its inception is to be in awe of its evolution and contribution to life. When one observes this, it is easier to see the fulfillment of human destiny, human potential, in time to come. Any great achievement, our brother, is founded in a history of evolution and all that that includes. What we serve this evening is a reminder to humanity that it is worth a great deal and is a shining light, even in the midst of its struggles to overcome darkness and own all that it has achieved and what it will achieve.

We are honored to serve humanity and be a part of its gift to life, for we see its potential, what it can be, and what it has achieved. We encourage humanity to take a measure of pride and satisfaction in this, and build confidence that it will achieve so much more. There are many other species on many other worlds walking their journey and achieving much. And, yes, some are of the human origins. And their take on life is different in some ways but, when combined with that of other humans on other worlds, the collective achievement honors life.

So let this be known, our brother, as humanity stumbles at times and picks itself up again and continues on. Namaste.

Jan. 9, 2014 B                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross