Freedom is our destiny

JANU:   What we have in store for this morning’s journey is a remembrance of times when life was, in your experience, more sublime. We have in mind two or three worlds of your experience that soared to great heights in diplomacy, love for one another and life, creativity, especially in the area of individual freedom, awakening, consciousness. These worlds were bound together by their traditions and their growing ability to communicate directly with each other and serve each other’s worlds, even at distance. So much can be accomplished in a world filled with freedom, and freedom that is mastered from within.

We would have you know of these worlds, our brother, for they exist, and more than they, at this time. Most do not realize that the potential for this in life is widespread and runs deep, and the seemingly noisy argument of the conflicts of today pale in comparison. The destiny of life is not destruction, conflict, and abuse. It is freedom. It is creativity. It is realization of potential. And this leads to life evolving and entering new thresholds of existence, ranges of potential yet dreamed of.

The duality of conflict and so-called peace is at the low end of the scale, and it does not take brutality and war to achieve freedom. Freedom is a given, our brother. It is the nature of life in full bloom. So let us think on these things, dwell upon them, when considering life on the Earth as humanity portrays it. It is a minor part of life’s potential.

Greatness is in the palm of everyone’s hand. They need only choose and let go of self-imposed restrictions and limitations. We see this potential in humanity, for we have seen it elsewhere and know it to be true. Thank you, our brother, for these considerations and the spreading of the Light. Namaste.

Mar. 2, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross