Wellness (Service)

JANU:    Reaching then into the opportunities of the moment, let us attune to the rich tapestry of life, of human history, and the activation of humanity’s memories of perfect health and the natural and easy maintenance of such.

Surrounding these memories is a cloud of forgetfulness, leaving humanity to resolve the issues of well-being externally rather than from within their own consciousness and history. Illness, our brother, is caused externally from not allowing a natural resource to maintain integrity. Humanity used to possess, consciously, command of individual personal integrity, and walked through life, so to speak, in wellness. Spontaneous well-being will seem to be the order of the day when this is allowed in the human experience, through the activation of these memories and the faculties they represent. The solution to the absence of well-being lies within, natural faculties forgotten and no longer allowed in the consciousness and the integrity.

So-called evidence not withstanding, the fundamental natural state of wellness is real and of longer standing than any illness, you see. When no longer seen as frail beings, subject to the whims of nature, sovereignty is realized. Life allows whatever you choose to create, but people are more used to being subject to illness than a history of well-being as a way of life.

This is our service, our brother, to activate these memories, to live once more in the consciousness and the perceptions of life of humanity. Be well, and namaste.

Feb. 27, 2014 B                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross