The Larger Human Family: Allow the memories to return

JANU: “The Larger Human Family,” is larger than you might think it is. Not only are there physical worlds where humanity lives, there are physical worlds where humanity has lived. And there are realities, subtle worlds, where human-like consciousness flourishes. So the human family is large indeed. Other species enjoy this as well.

But the immediate concern of Earth humanity would be other physical worlds, physical beings to relate to, to learn of, to associate with. Knowing these is achievable, partially through the memories within Earth humanity, but not visited for a very long time. Humanity visits these, now and then, through dreams and longings for a better life and the relief of suffering and deprivation.

Now, the human condition on each world differs, but some of the common threads of consciousness are the result of the influence of memories of previous existence. Yes, and even the DNA, to some degree, which has some common history. Why then would humanity of the Earth be motivated to discover these other worlds of humanity, or should we say human-like existence? For the same reason that Earth humans value their own families: mutual support, mutual illumination, mutual benefit in countless ways, and the revealing of one’s own history.

Humanity has spent much time and energy looking for so-called intelligent life not of the Earth, and has not looked within its own being for the connection. Much reliance is placed upon technology to make the connection, to bridge the gap, yet within each human being the technology, so to speak, already exists, but with very little confidence in its reality, its capability and accessibility, still consumed with perceptions of vast distance, limitations of electromagnetic propagation and reception. An isolated point of view, embracing very little of what is possible.

Technology does not achieve a maturing consciousness of mutual support with other worlds, tolerance for the differences in existence and perceptions. But the development of consciousness, and through this an appreciation of the beauty and magic of life everywhere, with love and respect, prepares one for a successful future, not only with other worlds but with their own existence on their own world. This really is a new frontier, our brother, of challenge, opportunity, and achievement.

Allow, in your consciousness, these larger memories to return and reveal what they may, even of your own existence, legacies in life, and countless journeys and associations. They are what some would call a ‘treasure trove’ of understanding and maturity. Consider this carefully, our brother, for this will open up new possibilities to experience more of life directly.

Feb. 27, 2014                                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross