Transitional Migration: moment to moment & lifetime to lifetime

JANU:    We proceed along these lines of the challenges to migrating from one life experience to another, and the identity shifting that takes place. Identity shifting is natural for those who incarnate or engage in new experience, to deepen the experience with a minimum of distraction of past memories and identifications.

You seem curious about how this transpires between incarnations. The challenges are similar, for the frame of reference for perceiving life in one’s own identity migrates from the engagements of life and their identities to True Nature. This is not an instantaneous process but undergoes transition experience, slowly, allowing for absorption of these experiences by the True Nature. We would have you understand that the rate of change is up to the individual’s will to embrace it. Letting go of patterns that have dominated for new ones requires an honesty within the self concerning obsessions, preferences, and the movement and flow of life, for even these processes are part of the flow of life and run their course for completion.

One has the perception that when one passes on it’s an immediate transition and a complete one from incarnation to the so-called ‘larger life.’ It is not instantaneous, our brother. It is process, and all of life experience is process, with many variables, influences, and elements in the flow of life to complete their journeys.

Transitional migration is an ancient and complex reality, for the influences and patterns are without number and have a life of their own, to a degree, which play out on the fabric of life, or tapestry. The ability to focus attention, let go of obsessions, make transitions from one pattern to another can be practiced and developed, which we have accomplished to some degree in these journeys. Many are the life stories that can be observed, reviewed, and understood that have already taken place and are taking place throughout life. One can observe and understand their own transitional migration of the many migrations of the past. Many have been with success and can build your confidence for success in those to come.

Our transitional migrations are larger than just from one incarnation to another in physicality. From one to another of the many realities of life, it can seem as worlds of their own, physical or not. Life is a journey, our brother, and every moment of it a journey of its own, with transitional migration challenges, even moment to moment in the midst of larger journeys. Every pattern you hang on to influences the next migration.

So the choice is yours, always, how open you wish to be to new patterns of life, new journeys, how much you require they appear as the old journeys or completely new. Choose wisely, our brother, as you consider this, even from one day to the next. Namaste.


Feb. 21, 2014                                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross