What is true peace?

JANU:  We are moving away from, at this time, the need for what could be called ‘collective bargaining’ in our endeavor to bring about a measure of peace in your world. For peace is not a function of agreements to back away from conflict for the time being. Peace is from within, leading to no need for the social conduct that triggers conflict, rooted in fear of loss not only of life but of possessions and territory and power. Our concern at this moment is the revitalization of awareness of the reality of the innate nature of peace in primary life and disposition of the Light Being.

Let us begin this change by saying that true peace is not a weak position in the face of warring realities of humanity. It is a position of strength greater than warring conflicts, for it induces and invites creative power, realization, illumination, wisdom, and supports productive and strong relationships with each other, other worlds, other beings, and the other creatures of your world. A peaceful nature registers very quickly with other life forms. Few understand the reality of peace, for they confuse it with a cessation of warring or violent conflict or submersion, deceit and manipulation.

So we focus this morning on the true power and nature of peace. As we have said, peace is innate in the nature of life, of which humanity is a part, as we all are. And if so, peace is not created as wars are. It is the opening of a mind and heart that allow your True Nature to express itself as a chosen way of life, with the many benefits and advantages over violence. Understanding that violence comes in many forms, and not just physical attack, it is helpful to recognize the difference in the presence and energy of peace and violence.

Being sensitive to life and your nature is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. Some feel that possessing a weapon of some kind is an act of strength. It is not. It only builds the false illusion of apparent strength through violence, justified by fear and a need for protection. True peace brings an inner glow of confidence, gratitude, and oneness with life.

Let there be then, an upwelling of peaceful consciousness and choice of lifestyle that honors and expresses this. Grow in understanding, experience and the wisdom of peace. Namaste.

Mar. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross