A peaceful life

JANU:   Let us begin then by saying that forecasting the future has always included the entire spectrum of life from what might be called destructive activity to creative and beautiful creation. The most complete forecast of the future is that life will continue, opportunities will continue, the genius of life itself will continue. Worlds will come and go but life continues. So, your sense of security as a being is: the forms will change, new ones created, but life continues. Your weather will go through big and small cycles of change, suiting the needs of your world.

Where is the lesson in all of this, our brother, for surely this is no mystery to the inquiring mind? The lesson is: your core values, perceptions, relationship with being and all of creation is to accept its coming and going as well as your own. In the flow of this, be focused in the moment, invest in life, love yourself and your neighbor, filled with gratitude and joy in the gifts of the moment. Peace and involvement and contribution, marveling in the magic of life, appreciating its eternal presence and the opportunities you are afforded through this.

Life is not about hanging on to anything, or being stuck in repetitive patterns, or knowing ahead of time all of its manifestations. It is about being and doing the best you can in the moment, allowing others and all of creation to partake of their destiny as you do your own. These are the elements of peace, our brother, to be understood and loved. And greet each day with confident anticipation. This keeps you free from being owned by patterns and memories and relationships, for all of these, our brother, come and go and are changing. The only guarantee is that life will continue, and that is what you place your hopes and dreams and aspirations upon.

Always in motion. Always patient. Always allowing. And always loving life into being. Be at peace and namaste.

Mar. 8, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross