Making the best of life

JANU: You query about the range of experience throughout life (from the destructive to the sublime, the negative to the positive, seriousness to lightheartedness, ignorance to illumination, conflict and peace) and why this exists in the life that you experience at this time. You recognize that, if not disallowed by life, they offer an unlimited range of opportunity for experience, understanding, interaction, and manipulation. Your question is, “Why is this the way it is?”

It is allowed for that very reason, our brother: unlimited opportunity of experience and wisdom. And you are correct. The reason for sojourning in this environment is to, as you put it, make the best of it. And the best is what you have come to understand. Each one has that point of view. So the challenge, and the opportunity, is make the best of life. Enrich it. Continue it. And serve it.

The point of existence, our brother, is to exist and engage life and become more one with it in your consciousness, your choices, and your performance, and your beingness. See life not as a mess that needs cleaning up, but as an opportunity to enrich it, expand it. In its own way, life loved itself into being, including you.

We’ve heard you say you’ve been enriched by these journeys and, in turn, you enrich others because of them, by sharing and inspiring. As we continue with these, more and more will become clear but the questions will always be there, changing their focus. And that is part of the journey as well, our brother, to inquire, discover, understand, and grow. All of this serves life. Namaste.

Mar. 4, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross