A life of Oneness adds flavor & depth to every part of life

JANU:    We have with us this morning an opportunity to expand upon our understanding of oneness. The word means what it says; however, living a life incarnate in oneness consciousness casts a different flavor on experiences, perceptions, relationships, and self-awareness. For the most part, a life in oneness is a departure from perceptions of separation, individual identity only, survival at any price, and competition, for in oneness one does not succeed at the expense of another. Together, you rise above circumstance, challenges, and the so-called unknown.

Oneness does not stifle creativity, desires to become more complete in your life expression. It reveals unimagined happiness, peace of mind, and joy in all of life.

In oneness, one does not judge another, but allows the many variations of life. Life on the move, through infinite expressions, reveals its vitality and omnipresence. Oneness reveals sharing your life with another, with all others, our brother.

Oneness brings harmony into your vehicles, for disharmony arises from the perception of being alone. And the changes oneness makes to the integration of your systems of life are harmonious balance, mutual support, the natural enrichment.

A life in oneness is a life that is conscious of, aware of, everything it touches. And a life in oneness, our brother, can inspire others to consider their possibilities. In oneness, the genius of all becomes mutually supportive and collectively endless expressions of genius.

You question then: “What happens to the process of experience, wisdom-gaining, problem-solving?” It continues, our brother, but in an enlightened way. Choices still remain to the degree of the perception of oneness adding flavor to understanding, and the choices of what you will include in your life experience. There will still be that which is new to you to be realized, to be discovered, and to experience. But one does so as an awakened being, in ownership of your True Nature.

Now, the conscious incarnate mind still has limitations on how much information can be processed at the same time. The super-conscious mind, the True Nature, is not so limited, you see.  So, as an entity, you still shape the course of your life’s experience, depending upon your interests and maturity.

Mar. 9, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross