Graceful service and living (Service)

JANU:    An aspect of service that one desires to be effective is the call to acknowledgement of the grace of life. What is grace, then, but life’s continual service to its creations and the grace of acceptance without condemnation or harsh judgment? Behind all service is a love for life, and that includes everyone, no matter their philosophy or predilections.

So, this evening’s theme is the grace in service, whether recipient or provider. Effective service includes grace. Being graceful is moving with the flow of life and its imperatives. The grace in service has the power to return consciousness to the fundamentals of life and those aspects of the nature that belong to everyone’s potential. The receiving and giving of love has so many realities that it cannot be captured in a few words, but the experience is unmistakable. Brings peace to the mind, loving acceptance of the self, and the true worth of your own nature.

When one says another is graceful, they are described as having a flowing, symmetrical, and harmonious movement, not just to their animations but to how they live and relate and perceive others. So let there be a reality of grace in everything you do for another. Let your life grow in gracefulness and inspire that in others, including all the kingdoms of life, all of them.

Mar. 10, 2014 B                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross