The Founding Fathers

JANU:   What we have before us this morning to explore is the Founding Fathers’ principles for the beginning of your nation, with concerns for the rest of the world as well, and humanity. These concerns were not limited to just your country. They explored a great deal, in their deliberations, and based some of these on ancient history and were inspired by their inner spirit and guides. They knew that this fledgling country would be beset with many challenges that could overturn their effort, so their prayers and considerations were in depth and they were inspired from within and without. And yes, Saint Germaine played a role in this, among others.

So, for when reaching for solutions, the challenges of the day and the direction of humanity and nations around the world, be mindful of their considerations, inspirations, and guidance, for they are valid at this time as well. Even as humanity leaves the confines of the Earth, these hold true, for life is life everywhere, and core values are the same, even though interpreted differently here and there.

They have not abandoned the Earth with their departure from mortality and still have connection. Consider what they had to work with in the beginning to build a nation. Yet build it they did. They had wars and poverty and little or no communication, a fledgling economy just beginning, and a constituency with traditions of many different countries, different backgrounds, different relationships. No easy task, our brother. What they did have in common was a desire for freedom, to raise their families and survive.

As fragile as conditions were then, they are fragile at this time. For so much of your infrastructure in many areas survive by the economy, the confidence of the people and the leadership of government. Return then from time to time on the conditions and principles of the Founding Fathers. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross