Old and new visions

JANU: Surveying this region of life that pertains to the destiny of Earth’s nations and, of course, peoples, what we see here evolving is not a movement towards one world government, but a one world ideal and an overview of philosophy, values, an understanding of life that applies to everyone, including the so-called leaders. Government of the people and by the people finally understood, that war and aggression truly serve no one.

Humanity’s moving forward in life in many ways is hampered by lack of cooperation, common goals, and mutual respect. Consider a world united in peace and a common vision for the future that includes many points of view, for each can contribute in their way to a better and richer life, at the expense of no one. Humanity will, and must, come to terms with this, for it will eventually perceive that its own demise hangs in the balance. How can one consider mutual destruction mutually beneficial?

Now, what we see here is movement in the direction of enlightened ones incarnating with an agenda to help point humanity into a more prosperous direction. And this is already occurring, but many of the current humanity will be confused by this, hanging on to old ways and traditions that are not working. The challenge is for humanity holding old visions perceiving the merit of new ones, for what is their frame of reference? But there is already a movement in that direction with part of humanity. The scales are tipping, our brother, in the direction of human potential.

So be steadfast in your utterances, your awakening vision and philosophy and love for what humanity can and will be. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 18, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross