Journeys: A way of life

In the interests of encouraging everyone to enter into this activity for him/herself, this seemed a particularly apt attunement.

JANU:            Journeying is a subject that will intrigue many as time moves on, as life evolves, as consciousness awakens.

Journeying can include a form of communication at distance, or in physical connection or when physically separated or with physical barriers. Journeying is a form of expression, when encountering language barriers, for journeying does not rely upon this limitation. Direct knowing through journeying overcomes language.

Journeying is a liberating experience from incarnation and is akin to journeying when discarnate.

Journeying allows for pattern matching with other life realities that can bring balance and healing to the physical and other bodies and, not only that, awareness of the causes and remedy.

Journeying restores activity to the consciousness beyond the veil and reduces the need to leave the body through transition to explore and employ the larger life.

Journeying is a natural occurrence for the True Nature, even though the physical mind is unaware. Employing journeying during incarnate life enriches that life, and deepens understanding. Although uncommon, it is a natural state of being and allowed, rather than created, in the awareness.

Journeying is not limited to far off places and bizarre and subtle realities. It is a way to visit any part of your life.

Sometimes, it is referred to as ‘imagination’ but a limited understanding, you see. For the experience of journeying is not limited to your current experience or understanding of life, but includes the smallest to the largest, the subtlest to the most gross, realities. The past, the present, and the future are all available: the True Nature of everything. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 23, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross