The Art of Communication is enhanced by the Art of Oneness

JANU:   The art of communication as such commands an intimacy with life that leads to, borders upon, oneness, for oneness is, our brother, ultimate communication. For how can there not be mutual knowing when observers, communicators, are in intimate oneness? So the art of communication includes this as a foundation. Within this premise, this foundation, the art of communication includes having something to communicate of interest to each other.

Now, individually speaking, all do not share the same interest at the same time. So one who has come to know a Truth of Life may accomplish only exposure to a possibility to another. The oneness sensitivity reveals the interests of another, revealing that the participants in communication have the possibility of sharing an interest. Now, from the individuality human perspective, communication is a process of give and take by comparison to more instantaneous communication of direct knowing and intimacy of oneness. Sharing is instantaneous and far more complete, for each party receiving information becomes aware of it as their own. So the [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-art-of-communication-reconnecting”]reconnecting [/p2p] mentioned previously  is the path to oneness. And even oneness, our brother, has many nuances, levels of reality and intimacy, and evolves. Even in instantaneous reality, life is process: instantaneous from one perspective, evolving and changing from another.

Now, when two species encounter each other with different cultures, backgrounds, philosophies, language, and some with no language—for they are telepathic and communicate in other ways, as well—what is the foundation for communication? Once again, the intimacy of oneness comes into play, a degree of it, at least, our brother. And there are degrees of oneness, for it can be applied universally, individually, and by reason of need and choice.

So today’s theme is oneness as a vehicle for communication. Oneness can be assigned to or focused upon any part of life or all of life, to any degree. So, you see, our brother, the Art of Oneness is a reality as well and worthy of exploration. So, communicate at will, our brother, with any part of life, even your own nature that at times seems illusive and not understood.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 25, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross