The human collective

JANU: The human journey includes a perception of life that has changed greatly, gone through cycles. The religions of humanity speak to this as well, and one can see the many changes in these perceptions of the truth of their own nature, behavior, aspirations, and achievements. Religions are far more organized in terms of structure and business, procedures and rituals. But religions are not the only source of structuring in humanity’s societies and philosophies, accepted norms, and included many changes in direction, both enlightening and depressing the spirit.

When one takes an overview of the human journey, it is filled with many so-called ‘sparks of Light’ of understanding and achievement, but evolution is seldom a straight undisturbed path of discovery and change in one direction only. There is enlightenment and confusion in the mix. The journey of humanity has grown, not only in its physical component or structure, but consciousness and what you call DNA is all evolving.

Now, on a much subtler level, realize that human consciousness is subtle as well, and the consciousness of others, on other worlds that have a pattern link to humanity, contribute to these changes in consciousness. And your achievements contribute to theirs as well. Human achievement will accelerate by comparison, once humanity embraces the reality of one life, connection with all life, in both directions, you see. Losing then, more and more, this perception of isolation and separation which limits the conscious mind in its influence upon the physicality. The Truth of Life exists for all to see and understand. And what is to come for humanity is uplifting and enjoyable and rewarding, filled with the freedom to Be.

Reviewing The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey reveals the movement in this direction and the range of human potential, which is part of its fabric of being, its Tapestry of Life. So discovery, our brother, is not just a linear thing from day to day, but a timeless reality without limit. Simultaneous awakening, in any direction of understanding, especially when viewed collectively, as humanity as a Being. The individual pursuits have merit, but so do collective pursuits. Humanity united as a collective being, conscious of its collectiveness and in embrace of it.

Grow in your appreciation of life collectively, our brother. Think in these terms. Ponder life globally. Namaste.

Mar. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross