The Nature of Life: what lies beyond what we call life?

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, handing over today the reins—although not completely—to the collective that is life, to reveal itself to your understanding and maturing, illuminating the path to the mastering of the Truth of your being. We will convey what’s being shown you.

Up to now, you have been considering the physical manifestations of creation as a guide for understanding the nature of life. We will extend this to, at this time, the subtler creations of life and the nature of their destinies. Let us consider, then, those you have encountered of a non-physical nature, exploring their future. (see Lanto) These beings, collectively, in these subtler realms of life, embrace what has seemingly been dormant for them, but has been part of their nature from the beginning. So this element of life’s nature is that of having in reserve more of the truth of its nature in the form of potential and, ultimately, realization, in countless forms and venues of life. Life is a composite of these, the essence of which has always been full of vitality and so-called miracles of expression. For who can see an individual’s full potential, other than Life itself? For only it is aware of all that can be expressed and experienced.

Now you ask, “In the Nature of Life, can there be unrealized potential that is unknown, even from other universes?” From Life’s point of view, the answer is ‘No,’ our brother, but this question hints at “What is there beyond the life that we are considering at this time?” One must keep an open mind to this possibility, for there is a larger truth here where the answer is ‘yes’ to the question, which adds to the definition of life that is beyond but co-existing, although ‘existing’ as not the best word here.

With this added dimension of understanding to the Nature of Life, let us take the time to consider our perspective. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 29, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross