Collaborative Journeying: the Star Journeyers

JANU:    For today’s journey, let us consider the numerous opportunities for collaborative journeying. Not all journeying resembles this morning’s setting and not all journeyers are incarnate; in fact, most are not. Today we will connect with a journeyer of the stars, one who embraces life on that scale and sees life from that perspective. This one belongs to a group of journeyers who explore the universe and encourage each other to embrace more. Having been one of these, in some ways, we return to this setting and explore our experiences and understanding with these.

STAR JOURNEYER: Yes, greetings, our brother. Returning we have, and welcome your collaboration with the Star Journeyers. Now, we use that name as focal points for our exploration of life, but we have other areas of interest as well, as you well know. This journey of yours this morning, and this connection, will return the memories of many others, for this has become a natural environment for you and one in which you are very comfortable. And you know this to be true.

Consider, then, the service to your world where you now reside from this perspective of life and its vastness and richness and countless journeyers. There are realities of life here that can expand human consciousness, leaving behind the miseries of your frustrations, illnesses, conflicts, depressions, and isolation. So journey well and lift the consciousness of humanity as you may, to enjoy the journeyers of the stars and many others in a life of greater freedom, peace of mind, and joy for living. Yes, we love humanity and many other cultures, worlds, beings. From this perspective of life, one embraces the variations with the theme of “We are one.”

Apr. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross