The Nesters

JANU: I am Janu speaking, arranging then this morning for our journey that which belongs to a group of “nesters” that exist along the ridge of the Himalayas and have determined to embrace the Earth, the world, the collective of its being, as proactive service. From their point of view, in their connection with life, they see for themselves coming down the mountain and walking among people, and the conflicts of the day, as futile compared to their vantage point. Some would see as isolation, withdrawal. They see as proactive and effective.

These Nesters have a tradition that is unique for it is ancient in the sense of a continuing tradition, even though many have come and gone. Yes, they are incarnate, our brother, but they are not alone. They have gathered a view of life on many levels and have become a channel, a doorway, a window for the Great Ones not incarnate to serve the Earth. This is their calling, and this calling they have met. They are serene, indeed, and are a blessing to the Earth.

Their origins are by no means limited to that of the Earth. And they are oneness indeed. We honor them and support their service. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross