Living is co-creation

JANU:   I am Janu speaking, establishing a connection for you with an understanding that co-creation in a fuller sense is ‘being as creator in the flow of life.’ Now, by this we mean: any creation, any degree of it, is allowed by life when life’s co-creative elements are employed to bring about movement in the flow of life. And this includes experiences, understandings, materializations, de-materializations, energy creations, and communication through varying degrees of intimacy from one part of life to another within and without the being. For how can one create individually, without employing basic and profound life principles?

Now, the art of co-creating is a journey of its own for it involves a maturing sensitivity to, and response to, the many ramifications of creation. For, as you may imagine, any creation has an effect, to varying degrees, on whatever it touches. One must mature beyond the notion that individual thoughts, actions, emotions, behavior is strictly individual. It is not. Everything you are has a ripple effect through the movements of energies. Life is like a stream full of eddies and currents, all in motion and transforming as they move through life.

Let there be then an understanding that co-creation is a cooperative reality and, as one ponders employing co-creation, one must also ponder its imprint on the life it touches. Where is the wisdom, then, that can guide and foresee? Now, one does not stop living in anticipation of what some would call errors or mistakes, for they are part of the tapestry of life as well. But to grow in maturity while living and expressing can provide a richer outcome, preparing the way for grander adventures.

Apr. 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two other entries on co-creation: [p2p type=”slug” value=”co-creation-incarnation-and-awakening”]Jan. 2[/p2p]  and [p2p type=”slug” value=”understanding-co-creation”]Oct. 30[/p2p]