Energies—the Power to Exist: Life’s Imperative to Be

JANU:    A broader understanding of ‘energies’ is called for here, for energies as humanity understands them are far more gross, although essential, than the more causal realities, you see. Energies on these levels are best described as life in motion and the radiations of life that are created. When water flows in the stream, eddies and currents are created by the flow’s interaction with what can be seen as obstacles to that motion when, in fact, they are stimuli to the currents having energy, but are not the source of it. They are the result of life in motion. The existence of everything can be seen in this way, including your own consciousness and being. Life as such has always been in motion, regardless of the reality or subtlety of existence.

So energies are manifested as a result of the interactions, the momentums, of life in motion. The power to exist is the result of life in motion. And you ask,
”Where does this motion come from?” It is initiated by the singularities that cluster, resulting from an imperative in life to be. The source of which is a bit beyond the purview of these journeys; not unreachable or unknowable, but slightly out of reach for the current consciousness. The power to exist on any level is the result of life in motion, caused by the imperative to be. And that imperative translates to every existence of the continuation of life.

Now, it is wise to understand this imperative, for its presence, even in your thought and your awakening, the motivation to be, to grow, to learn, to achieve, to re-invent yourself so to speak, to help another overcome and be successful, is the result. One, to a degree, can become attuned to that reality at the heart of everything and gain clarity, strength, and resolve, for that imperative is one with all life and its origin.

Remember, existence is not permanent, cast in stone if you will, but is in motion and this motion carries the imperative of life to be.

May 7, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

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