What is a Deity?

JANU: We have this evening what would appear to be a chance opportunity to speak directly to the consciousness of a little known deity, the product of several worlds. Let us attune then at this time to this reality and take note.

It is possible for a species, a world of beings, to invest in a concept of deity to the degree that this deity takes form from this projection and has an invested consciousness created by the people, you see. What then to make of this, in light of humans’ propensity to do the same thing on the Earth? When one observes this deity and attunes to its consciousness, it speaks volumes about the evolution of the beings who created it. It is like an archive of the life journey of those beings, giving the wise counsel that they expect, that they require, not seeing that the counsel is within them. Now, through this vehicle, they have created the collective wisdom of the entire species and can be used for insight, direction, and understanding. This is one manner in which a world’s population creates a deity and it is tantamount to being sacrilegious to reject this or find fault or disregard.

Now, yes, there are many beings in Spirit, if you will, of great wisdom and experience and can provide wise counsel. But these are beings on their own path, experiencing life and evolving as they may. Closer to the reality that is the life path of any sentient being, incarnate or not.

So do deities exist? They do. They are created by the people who require them, for meaning, purpose, integrity, and a fundamental appreciation of love and compassion. They do serve the people, until they are no longer needed and a larger and more profound truth as to the reality of life becomes required.

June 6, 2014 B                                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross