Motherhood and Birthing

JANU:   We welcome the opportunity to bring to the light, if you will, the concerns of humanity. For this evening’s journey, let us bring light to the plight of mothers and children around the world.

It is truly a blessing to life, a service, to endure the challenges of motherhood. Each mother earns gratitude from life for taking on the responsibility of continuing life in this way. For birthing is continuation of life, and the manner of this is rich with possibilities to enrich life. Motherhood is a unique opportunity to grow and learn and become something more than you were before. The infant relies totally on what it can learn from you, on every level, and the being that it is loves you more than you know, and is grateful for every moment of your caring and sacrifice. Motherhood is truly giving one’s life for another, in so many ways. And to help and see this child come into its own and make a life is a grand reward for the mother.

This child is shaped so deeply by the consciousness of the mother and what she offers, that those who impinge upon these two cannot break the bond, the love of one life for another. No matter the circumstance, no matter the environment, those beings are one. And what better way to understand oneness?

Now, the essence of this relationship can be understood and applied to anyone’s life who cares for another, who loves humanity, and to see joy in the hearts of people. Birthing is a continuous reality throughout life: the birthing of an understanding, the birthing of a new relationship, the birthing of an understanding of the love of self. Birthing is everywhere and deserves honoring and support and gratitude.

July 14, 2014 B                 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross