Are E.T.s on Earth and what are they doing?

JANU: Yes, brother, there are extra-terrestrials involved in the Earth and, in one way or another, always have been. The original Earth experiment of humanity required humanity to evolve on its own merit, as far as it knew. The extraterrestrial presence from time to time was, and is, to assist here and there, for the most part unannounced. Not to jeopardize the experiment, you see. There came moments when more direct involvement, carefully managed, was called for. More so when certain humans evolved to the point of understanding, where direct contact was possible and contained to those involved. The mission is similar at this time, but with different elements of involvement, those who research, medicine, science, some religions, and politics. Yes, even music and the arts are benefiting from their presence, even at this time.

You ask, “Why not just let humanity achieve these advances on their own, in their own way?” The answer, our brother, is: humanity’s evolution is not just for humanity, but for those its future will involve. The evolution of life everywhere is undergoing changes, adjustments, re-direction, and coordination, to facilitate the potential of life. The extra-terrestrials, and others, are part of this, and humanity will be part of this as well, as it matures. Many so-called free thinkers, philosophers, and leaders have understood this. So, you see, the evolution of humanity is balanced between initiative, creativity, and coordination with more of life, and other understandings. Life is a balance between all of these, at different times and different ways. Consider, then, the reality of inspiration in the guidance and opportunity.

Humanity has never been truly alone on its path, for its path is part of a larger life, not just of the Earth. Remember, life is connected. Humanity is one, in ways it has yet to understand, but it will. Namaste, our brother.

July 7, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross