Why warring still exists, and choosing true peace

JANU:   The discourse this evening centers around the unwillingness of humanity to claim its true power, seeing the violence around them and around the world as powerful. These forces have no power but what people give them. Humanity lives in fear of such apparent power, but will find joy and peace in the True Power within. “How does one find such power?” they might ask. By desiring it, our brother, and loving it into your life, for this True Power is in harmony with a loving nature.

Now, humanity can have wars as long as it chooses, but there are a growing number of those who have chosen the alternative, and they will move on in their awakening and understanding of life and who they are. Wars only lead to more wars, because it is a model of behavior for problem and conflict solving that most of the people and the world’s leaders have allegiance to. Why then would so many choose this path in life and hang on to it? It is because of a fear, our brother, and fear is a strong emotion, and it feeds on itself, masking more harmonious attitudes and emotions. They have yet to understand or witness the power of True Peace. Those who lose the battles harbor resentment and ill-will against the victors, festering in their culture, their consciousness, their hearts, until eventually one speaks up to lead them and the warring continues.

One can choose not to fight and move beyond the perception of, the model of, winners and losers. Compromising with solutions that benefit everyone is always a better path. Making choices in life with greater and greater understanding is the way.

July 21, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross