The power and genius of humanity to lift humanity

JANU: We are Janu speaking, serving once more this morning on the occasion of commencement of another day as a new opportunity for humanity to open itself to a more balanced life.

There are those in humanity who have grown into the balanced life we speak of, and many who have not. Now, the more awakened humanity are aware of those who are not, but these factions live worlds apart. There are many who sacrifice everything to come to your country for a better life. And there are those still warring, blinded to—and even against—the nation that struggles to perfect this life, for their identity and power is based upon conflict, revenge, and the lust for power.

How then does one serve the raising of consciousness of all humanity? By not seeing the power of violence as powerful, but the pervasive presence of life itself and the opportunities life offers as the true power. The national leaders of the world conform in a direction for humanity, but this is not the reason they’ve taken power. Let us suggest that many more of humanity, who reach for a better life, see themselves as powerful and unite in consciousness and commitment to exercising the power of peace through their choices, their conduct in life, their relationships with each other. The power of violence can only exist if the people allow it, fear it, and cower from it. The people have the genius and the consciousness and the True Power to become a new direction for humanity, all of humanity. This is what we serve, our brother, the freedom to be and live in peace. Namaste.

Aug. 3, 2014                                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross