The True Nature experience

JANU: May we begin by saying that the declaration of at-one-ment with the True Nature, openly, unconditionally, so that the experience is not limited in any way, brings clarity so all that you aspire to becomes yours. Peace that so many desire becomes yours. Wholeness of your vehicles of expression, your bodies, becomes yours. The love that you cherish becomes you. The truth of your being bonds you with the truth of others.

The True Nature experience or perspective deepens and broadens your identity, your self-perception. And, in time, you’ll see others’ True Nature and support them–their awakening, their ownership of their life and who they are–with patience and a commitment to their awakening. Judgment no longer applies or has merit. And you more fully understand that life does not judge you, and never has. You only judge yourself. Harshly, we might say. Punishment does not apply, when viewing the behavior of another or yourself. Life does not punish, but allows natural consequence to occur, as an opportunity for insight and growth.

The joy of awakening has no end, no destination other than the moment, The NOW, for the moment is timeless and transcends confinement. Namaste.

July 24, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross