Pushing the limits of human awareness

JANU:   How easy it is for conscious awareness to remain fixed upon the previous day’s experience and level of understanding. For today’s journey, let us push the envelope, if you will, by entertaining a new understanding at this time.

Most of humanity is limited to a self-perception or identification of only being human, with only vague evidence or suspicion of being more. May we suggest the question: More of what? What is the nature of the ‘more’? We suggest: more of life, more that life is, more of what life is becoming. The ‘more’ that knows this, understands this, and understands your human ego. Most are impressed with their limited understanding of the so-called vastness of the universe, and its diversity, complexity, and age, and settle for this as being all of life. Not understanding that, while entertaining the idea that there are other physical universes beyond number, and equivalent universes that are not physical, this suggests to the open mind that life is without end.

The adventure continues. There will always be the next adventure, the next reality of which you are already a part, for your True Nature embraces the larger life, not settling for the limited understanding that surrounds you. The physical evidence that suggests that as reality and exploration of life has borders and limitations, a sanity of existence the mind can find comfort in and settle for. How many even realize the borders in their own consciousness and settle for this? Living in a world of physicality has an appearance of: everything has limits and form and shape and duration, obeying rigid laws of existence. And people settle for this and it is natural for them to do so, until they are ready for more and the urge comes from within.

The phrase “been there, done that” is the foundation for something new. So let us challenge humanity to review, from time to time, their place in life and possibilities. Namaste.

July 25, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross