The Transformed Human

JANU: Imagine then, if you will, the nature of the consciousness of one who is truly centered in being at peace, with a love for life, and awakening to all that life is.

This being is powerful in ways that most cannot imagine, for it is a different kind of power. It is eternal power, founded in a love for life. This one makes choices based upon a growing foundation of insight into the nature of everything. This one maintains balance, equilibrium, in all of their faculties. This one has a radiance, a glow, an aura of love and peace. It cannot be denied. This one lives in perfect health, even while incarnate. Male and female have joined as one in this consciousness. This one speaks a little in words, but much in presence. This one is inexhaustible in commitment to life and the encouraging of others to find their truth and their integrity. This one lives without fear and is even-minded in all matters.

What we are speaking of here, our brother, is the destiny of humanity. Gentleness and true strength, love and peace, and a wisdom that understands and communicates with all of life. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 5, 2014                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross