Giving and receiving

JANU: Let us begin then this evening by pulling together the necessary ingredients, if you will, for Divine assistance in the recollection of our venues and nature of service. They are like the cycles of a tree through the four seasons. Although the cycles of the tree are linear, in the larger understanding of this analogy the cycles are simultaneous. And as the leaves fall to the ground in the Fall, they are as blessings to the Earth, for they monitor or regulate the moisture of the rain for the tree, as do blessings for the Earth and the people influence the life in a regulatory way, but not controlling. The leaves in the summer filter the air and the life of the Earth relies upon and absorbs the elements of the air that that life must rid itself of. Symbiotic relationship.

So you see, life, our brother, is better understood as the symbiotic relationship of giving and receiving to the nature of existence. Striking a balance, if you will. The tree analogy is must one part of life that symbolizes reality, as does every other system of life. Even the presence of humanity is a system of life, taking and receiving of the life of the Earth, and in many other realities as well. Giving and receiving is the theme here, and all of life needs all of life. So, you see, our brother, everyone is worthwhile and needed. Everyone.

Aug. 12, 2014 B                                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross